Mike has often been given the freedom to create ideas for the Jackson Custom Shop “Short Runs”. This concept, Jackson Department of Corrections is an example.

Mike came up with the idea of prison stripes and chains and even designed the chain link inlays to wrap the design from the body up through the fingerboard!

Each piece was “stamped” with a “prison number” that included the date Mike painted the piece and the number that piece had within the series.

After designing and producing a prototype, this short run was ordered twice, in 2 different colors: the grayscale you see here, and later a run in orange and white!

Waaaay back, when we were pioneering the social media space (2005 to be exact), the prototype guitar for the D.O.C. Series was the subject of our VERY FIRST tutorial DVD. We called them “Home Grown Movies” and this one was produced in the classic “pop up” style.
If you are interested in the process, and are up for a few laughs while you learn, here is the video: