INTRODUCING: WARBIRD GUITAR Instructional Design Center

Those of you whom have followed Mike for any length of time have probably noticed that he is a big fan of Warbird paint jobs, particularly on guitars. It all started when Mike first picked up an airbrush, around the age of 10, because he wanted to paint his model airplanes. But the interest for the airplanes themselves came from the fact that he had so many relatives who fought in WWII. Most of his uncles, in particular, were veterans and a few served on flight crews.

“I started studying the details of the airplanes when I was a kid. I enjoyed the history. I learned a lot about my relatives who sacrificed an awful lot during that time. My warbird artwork is just a continuation of paying homage and respect to that generation by keeping nose art alive.”
Whenever Mike has the opportunity to create a warbird piece for a customer, he takes the time to research models, markings, and usually takes it even further by researching particular battles and looking for actual planes with history to use as his inspiration.

“I have always thought that nose art was kinda cool because it was something that was rather informal. It wasn’t always “politically correct”, in fact it was often far from “politically correct” back in those days and there is something to be said about that. I think that the artwork is cool. I have books full of it. I enjoy seeing how those artists just grabbed a brush and some household paint and slapped up a massive piece of nose art on the front of the airplanes. I don’t know exactly, but there is something about it.”
Being a career artist has its challenges, and Mike is asked about it all the time. “How do you keep your passion for the art when you have to do it every day?” Finding meaning in the pieces, and connecting an authentic love of the history and opportunity to research and learn more about something that connects, is certainly one way to keep things new, interesting and challenging.
Over the past decade or so, Mike has become known for his elaborate Warbird designs, and as an avid supporter of the up and coming artist community, we have wanted to create a program to enable others to utilize his trail blazing for their own personal or professional needs. We are very proud to introduce The NEW WARBIRD GUITARS Design Kit program!!
You will find a large (and continuously growing) variety of kits in our STORE – and all the instructions you need here in the Instructional Hub. With the stencil kits and your own creativity you will be able to design and paint your own, personalized WARBIRD!
While we focus on guitars as the main media, these kits will work on skateboards, panels, boxes, speakers, motorcycle parts, etc. Just about anything you want to paint. Please bookmark this page to keep up with the latest designs, tutorials and examples.
How To Design and Execute a WWII Graphic
Check out KGP #85
Mike is featured in this issue. Learn about his long-time interest in all things WWII, see some of his most meaningful work and get an introduction to what has become the “Warbird Guitar” product line.
In this video you will follow Mike through the entire process of painting a Warbird Guitar. As you will see, with Mike’s guidance and stenciling/masking tools, even a beginner can achieve outstanding and impactful results!
This is the first of the series of Video How Tos that we created to introduce the Warbird Guitars Design Kits.
This video follows Mike as he completes a tribute to the extremely popular P40 Flying Tiger warbird.

When it comes to painting Warbirds, a good portion of great execution is understanding how to complete complex masking processes. These types of designs require numerous “layers” and masking them in the correct order is integral to the success of the final piece.
For this particular tutorial, we will focus on “order of execution.”
This is a written article and can be viewed here:
This quick video tip is part of Warbird How To compiled in full on Mike details the process of creating realistic rivets and plates on a guitar with a Focke Wulf Warbird theme. You will find a detailed tutorial on the entire process here:
In this video Mike details several techniques that he uses to create a “distressed finish” for a new guitar for Jeff Loomis. Over the years these types of finishes have gained popularity and he has a utilized dozens of unique methods to achieve specific “worn” illusions.
This is a quick video detailing how to create super-realistic bullet holes in metal – both “innies” and “outies”. Mike explains the process from beginning to end.
This video is edited from a FaceBook LIVE Session where Mike focused on the complex masking process he used for the cat insignia on the P61 Black Widow WWII Warbird guitar. Along with detailed instruction on the main subject, in this video you will learn a lot about Mike, how he got started in the artform and his sincere love of the history behind the WWII art that he so enjoys.
The lesson also includes a couple segments that illustrate Mike’s Computer masking process, including how he creates mask lines and exports them to the plotter. You will also see Mike debut the BRAND NEW FBS Translucent Paint Mask that is perfect for multiple registration and mask layers like this project.
For more information about this particular guitar, check out the SPOTLIGHT Article at our website:
In the latest Warbird Guitar Instructional video, Mike details his method for classic pin up artwork in the style of the old nose art girls. The Double Trouble Guitar boasts a pin up that was modeled after the owners girlfriend in a classic pose. Mike uses his vinyl masking technique to make this type of work quick while still ensuring a “likeness”.
This video is a great example of the versatility of this process and you will see him use, reuse and use again, the “puzzle pieces” to ensure crisp edges, make masking simple and consistent and virtually eliminate overspray and “over-work”.
TOTAL GUITAR PREP: A Detailed Guide To Getting your Guitar Ready for Paint
In this video jam packed with information, Mike details his process for prepping guitars for custom paint. Using examples from bare wood, factory paint and beat up paint, you will learn the exact steps necessary to properly prep/repair a guitar for repaint, solid color, or artwork. He also demonstrates several methods used to enhance natural woodgrain for use in beautiful translucent finishes.
From the products, to the masking, sanding (so much sanding) and proper position, you will learn the tricks of the trade from a master who paints for the custom shops of Jackson, Charvel, BC Rich, D’Angelico and Dean, just to name a few.
Nearly every minute of this video is packed with information and nuggets of wisdom. DON’T PAINT A GUITAR until you have WATCHED THIS VIDEO!! If you would like a “Cliff Notes: Guide of Key Points” from this video, please request it from: [email protected]